Using embedded text in a formula | XM Community
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We are trying to work with embedded data. In our equation, we have two terms of embedded data, and the second one does not seem to work.

Specifically, we are trying this equation: [x - {(y/5)*2}], wherein x and y are embedded. The term {(y/5)*2} is not working, and only 'x' s being displayed. We have tried with and without space between each of the terms of the equation. Any ideas as to why this might not work and any solutions?

Hello @Hansika as I can see Y=ChoiceTextEntryValue I think that perhaps that´s why the equation does not work, because qualtrics is reading that entry as a text and not as a number.

Try to set first a embedded value with that entry and after that use that embedded value in the equation.

For example: Number1= Q://QID79/ChoiceTextEntryValue

NYH12= $e{ e://Field/NYH11 - ((e://Field/Number1 / 5) * 2) }
Also remember that you should have that block of the embedded fields after the block of those questions (QID230, QID231, QID78, and so on) because if the block of the equations is located before the block where those questions are is going to be empty the math operation
Hi Isabel,

Thanks for responding and for these suggestions! I tried them both, but it hasn't resolved the issue; I created a new value for the textentry but it isn't picking it up. I also moved the embedded text to AFTER the block with the questions:


And the strangest part is other embedded texts in the same survey where I'm using mathematical operations with choicetextentry are working fine:


Is there anything else I can try?

Try to put the block of the embedded data out of the randomizar, maybe this could works

Hi Isabel,

Tried that - still didn't work 😕 Is there something wrong in the formula? Spacing or something that I'm overlooking?


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