Using feature to avoid ballot stuffing but for same survey take 4 weeks later with same survey form | XM Community
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I've created a 3 question survey to measure quality customer service. I plan to use this form during the year and it may go out to the same individuals during the year. If I select the box to avoid ballot stuffing, once they answer the survey, they cannot answer it again, which works as designed. However, If I want them to answer the same questions 4 weeks later AND I want that tabulated on the back end in the same evaluation form so I get the long term result of satisfied, not satisfied, etc, will the check box to prevent ballot stuffing prevent them from answering the same survey 4 weeks later? Seems it would. I know I can set it to not allow responding after a period of time but within 24-48 hrs they could still ballot stuff. It would be fine the first time "Jill" answered the survey, but a month later, I would have to uncheck the ballot stuff feature.

So what is the solution to this? Or best practice. I'm measuring customer service between staff and other internal employees. I want to periodically send out the survey if they received help, but also want to avoid friends of staff ballot stuffing to artificially increase the measure.
@jmcculley - It sounds like you are emailing invitations ("go out to"). So, if you select the "By invitation only" option, then you don't need to use the "Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing" option. By default the recipients will only be able to take the survey once per invite.

"Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing" only makes sense if you are using an Anonymous survey link.
Ok thanks. That's helpful.
As a follow up to this, I'm testing this survey and two things are happening: 1. when I use email by invitation the second time (a couple days later) I send the invitation, after the first one was submitted, I get the expected notice that I've already completed it. I'm trying to determine if I can use the same survey regarding customer service at a later date and anticipate repeating the survey to the same people a month later. If I setup a start and end date, then modify the closing date the next time it goes out, will that allow the same respondent taking the survey later ?

2. the other thing is that when I'm testing, it see's the email as a duplicate and blocks it.
From a product development perspective, seconding jmcculley's point here - we send our NPS survey each quarter to 50% of clients. Clients in group A receive the survey in Q1 and Q3, while clients in group B receive the survey in Q2 and Q4. We just launched this new program last week, however could not tick Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing due to the limitation explained above by jmcculley, so had about 55 clients submit multiple responses. To ensure NPS score/insights were accurate we had to manually identify and remove these duplicate responses. I've also incurred this limitation with non-NPS projects.

Workaround to this Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing limitation that I see is to duplicate the survey and create a brand new link each half year, however this is a manual process both in the platform and out (eg as we send via Marketo and the Marketo integration doesn't meet our needs, we'd need to update the link in email template there as well).

Feature request: ability to set parameters/time limit around Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing, eg can only submit one response via this link within 6 months.
Hey, @T_Jane! If you have not yet already, we’d recommend posting this in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea!

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