Using question selection made via Q_PopulateResponse in piped text? | XM Community
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I read and understood the note that "A question must be submitted by the respondent using the Next Button before Piped Text will work," but can anyone suggest a way to display a question's selection in piped text "in page"?

The scenario I have is that I am populating a question's response with Q_PopulateResponse, and then I want to make it clear in the next question's description text, as is depicted in this screenshot:


Can anyone think of a workaround to do this? I don't want to force people to click a "Next" button, but I don't want to use Javascript to auto-advance the page, since that would prevent them from going back later in the survey to edit their answer ...

I know that this may be a unique use case, but any advice you all have will be welcomed. Thanks!
Don't use piped text. Place a span tag with an id where you want the answer to appear. Add click event handlers to the radio buttons to update the content of the span when a choice is selected. Also, look to see if a choice is already selected when the page loads, and update the span if one is found.
> @TomG said:

> Don't use piped text. Place a span tag with an id where you want the answer to appear. Add click event handlers to the radio buttons to update the content of the span when a choice is selected. Also, look to see if a choice is already selected when the page loads, and update the span if one is found.

Thanks! That all makes sense generally. Now to figure out how to do all of that ...

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