Validation on Side-By-Side Dropdown | XM Community
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Hi all,

I'm trying to put some validation on the below side-by-side, so that if the text entry for the event name (far left column) isn't blank, then the dropdown for Main Artform can't be blank either.

I can't seem to see anything obvious in the custom validation options to do this. The list in custom validation includes all the different dropdown options, but not something that seems to refer to the whole column. Am I missing something?

Many thanks in advance!

can you see options like "is not selected", "is selected". These options can help in custom validation.
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> can you see options like "is not selected", "is selected". These options can help in custom validation.

Hi @bansalpeeyush29

Yes, I can see the validation options, it's the box before it which doesn't seem to have the options I need.

While all the different artform dropdown options (visual arts, literature, etc.) are in the list, there doesn't seem to be an option applying to the whole column that would allow a "This Question > This Column > Is not empty" validation.

The only way I can see of doing it would be to create a series of "or" validations on each artform option. e.g. will validate if literature is selected OR will validate if visual arts is selected OR will validate if music is selected.

However this would mean over 100 custom validation lines, so I feel like there has to be a faster way that I'm just not seeing 😞
You can't apply for whole column and have to make all cases or you can use java script to display error by writing your condition.

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