Want answers with scores to remain the same once I export to spss what option do I choose in Export | XM Community
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Hi all,

Have watched numerous videos of Qualtrics and am getting v confused.

I have coded all my answers on the survey. so when people choose an option they're answers are marked. I am now about to export to SPSS. The difficulty I am having is the options available to me.

I get a choice of:

String Width: Medium - 2,000

Compress data as .zip file

Use commas for decimals

Recode seen but unanswered questions as-99

Recode seen but unanswered multi-value fields as0

Alternatively, download the following SPSS files:

SPSS Syntax FileCorresponding Data


Fewer Options

and I don't know which one to choose. I literally want to be able to 15 people said more likely - from the likert scale.

any help would be gratefully appreciated.
You'll get your data no matter which SPSS download options you choose. Just try downloading with the default selections. I think .zip is checked by default, so you'll have to unzip it before opening the file with SPSS.
gosh thanks will try this now.

Not a fan of SPSS -not confident with using it- and reverse scoring sounds horrible on all the videos. When I developed the Qualtrics Survey I did add scores and some of the questions were reverse scored so was hoping they would automatically transfer over.

I didn't know if they have automatically transferred into SpSS - do you happen to know if Qualtrics automatically transfers the correct scores despite the download process?


Don't select suboptions just export SPSS file it will contain all your variables. Sub options are like to punch blanks to -99 or SPSS syntax files.

Just working on this nightmare data.

Thanks for the response.

A little confused as to whether the reverse coded answers automatically transfer into SPSS or whether I have to manually recode the reverse responses into SPSS.


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