We are using the form for application assessment and would like each reviewer to submit 1 form per a | XM Community
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Thank you for your help.
Can you elaborate more.

Do you want to trigger survey to approver after assessment is done by candidate.
No, we need each reviewer to be able to go into the form and select an applicant (68 names on the list) assess their qualifications and submit the form. Each reviewer is assigned 15 applications to review, so they need to go to the link and submit 15 forms (one for each applicant they are assigned).

Thank you for your help!
I think I figured it out. I generated a reusable, anonymous link (I previously had this set as invitation via email only). The first question asks for the reviewer name and second question for applicant name, so this will give us the data for each reviewer/reviewee session and the correct scores.

Just needed a little time to walk through the process, while learning the program.

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