What is the best question type to use in this situation? | XM Community
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I need a question to display every country in the world and allow respondents to select all of the countries they have visited. I have not found a question type that can accommodate this in a user-friendly way. Any suggestions?

Currently I have it set up as a Multi Select Box, but you need to hold control to select multiple items and it is not easy to deselect when scrolling through the list.
Could you use a map (image) with the 'hot-spot'/heat map type of question?

Alternatively, could you ask a first question about what continents they have visited, and then ask individual follow up questions for which countries they have visited in each continent..? This would at least reduce the number of countries they need to select at each question.

You could even break it up a bit more using the drill-down question format - e.g. have East Africa, West Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, etc, and then only the relevant companies will show up...

Hope some of those ideas help...?

You could integrate select2 (see "Multi-select boxes" on the page referenced).
Thank you both for the replys! Tom, that is exactly what I am looking for!

I am a novice when it comes to Javascript. Would both of those pieces of Javascript be pasted into the question? I would just want the full list of countries displayed in there without the categories.
You would leave your question as you have it now (a multi-select box with all the countries). First, you would add the select2 script and css to your survey. Then you would add JavaScript to the question to find the multi-select box using jQuery then attach select2 to it with whatever options you need. It would be something like:



Hi Tom,

It is saying Select2 is not a function. Is there a specific link to reference it?
@uhrxx005 - I sent you a message.

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