What is the best way to prepare for the CX exam? | XM Community
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What is the best way to prepare for the CX exam?

  • 9 March 2018
  • 2 replies

Hello All,

I took the CX exam an failed because I took the wrong approach when studying for the exam.

What is the best way to study for the CX exam?

Can anyone point me to any video resources?

What topics should I focus on?
I will say going through the full course material and working through all the course activities was the best method for me. Apart from that, practice and explore the system as much as possible! Passing is doable 😀
Hi sbarnes12,

I agree with AnthonyR... the best way is to take your time to go through all the course materials and hands-on exercises, as well as tests. It is a plus if you can do the actual bootcamp delivered by Qualtrics. Additionally, if you have hands-on experience, that will definitely help.

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