What is the syntax for a simple "yes" or "no" branch logic question? | XM Community
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I have tried for several days now to set up the branch logic for several questions. For some reason, I must not be interpreting the Branch Logic Qualtrics Support guide correctly. None of my branches are branching! It appears that the syntax that I am using is having no effect. The questionnaire does not advance.

I have coded software before, so the concept of branching is not new to me. However, I do not seem to be getting the hang of Qualtrics' branch logic. Any help you can provide will be appreciated. An example of would be appreciated. The one in the guide does not seem to provide the information that I need. I am trying to complete the questionnaire by January 10.
You can simply right click on the question and select add display logic. Or if you want to place multiple questions in same branch you can use survey flow and add branch logic and place all your questions or block under this branch.
Thank you. I appreciate your speedy reply.

For some reason, I was not placing the branch logic code underneath the appropriate block. I placed all of the branch code at the bottom of all of the blocks!

I seem to have addressed my branch code problem. It looks like the major if-then branch logic is operating correctly. I decided I do not need to code the minor branch because when the respondent pushes the next button the questionnaire will advance to the next question, which is what the minor branch code would have instructed the system to do.

Now, I have another problem! In my survey view, I have a "questions not in the survey flow" message. For the life of me, I cannot determine how to get the questions back into the survey flow. Would you please tell me how to get the questions back into the survey flow?
Hi @CDT! Check out the first FAQ at the very bottom of this support page. If you have any additional questions feel free to reach out to our Support Team!

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