When adding the random number generator to my survey it does not seem to save the piped text. | XM Community
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When following instructions and from the support on how to use the web service random number generator, at the final stage where you enter the piped text I am not able to click off the question field and therefore it does not appear to save this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated I have a dissertation to be doing 😢
It would have been helpful if you provided a link to the instructions you were looking at.

You don't need a web service. You can pipe a random number directly into a question or saved as an embedded data field in the survey flow. Example of a random integer between 1 and 20 pipe:



I have never used qualtrics before so really have no idea what I’m doing. I’m trying to assign each respondent of my survey a unique number to serve as their ID.
Random numbers do not guarantee uniqueness. You could do this in embedded data block in the survey flow:

id = ${rand://int/100000:999999}
Thank you I really appreciate your help, is there any way you could walk me through step by step of how to do that? This is the information I was trying before that was not working. https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/common-use-cases-rc/assigning-randomized-ids-to-respondents/
@Stressed_student1 are you aware that Qualtrics assigns each response a unique Response ID. This may serve the purpose of the random number you are trying to generate.

This help page describes it as:


The ResponseID is the ID Qualtrics uses to identify each response in the database. This unique identifier is provided as a reference and generally does not have a use in data analysis.

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