When I ask a question with multiple responses, how can I add a comment box as well? | XM Community
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When I ask a question with multiple responses, how can I add a comment box as well? This is within the same question.
Click on one of your response choices > Select the arrow to reveal the drop down menu > Select "allow text entry". You can do this for as many answer choices as you would like.

Please be aware: for some of the "Look and Feel" options, this text area will only appear if the answer choice is selected.

I need to be able to allow the multiple choice options, then have comments. This only allows comments, I need both. How do I do that?

Example below:

Quality of implementation





× N/A

Use a multi-select, multiple choice with your 5 choices then "Comment:" as the 6th choice. Allow text (as described by @Kate) for the Comment choice. Assign the first 5 choices to the same group. Then set the parent group options to Selection/Single Answer Within Group and Hide Group Title.
This helps now, however they can now select multiple of the 5 choices. I need to limit that to one choice and still have a comments area. Suggestions?
@Tracy - Please note this part of my response, "Assign the first 5 choices to the same group. Then set the parent group options to Selection/Single Answer Within Group."
Tracy, if the question is set up as a check all that apply, you should be able to make every answer "exclusive" in the answer choice options except the comment one. That will allow only 1 of the 5 to be selected, but will always allow the comment choice to be selected as well.
> @TomG said:

> Use a multi-select, multiple choice with your 5 choices then "Comment:" as the 6th choice. Allow text (as described by @Kate) for the Comment choice. Assign the first 5 choices to the same group. Then set the parent group options to Selection/Single Answer Within Group and Hide Group Title.

This really shouldnt be this complicated.

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