when looking at my data from exporting to excel in the status bar all i can see is the IP address | XM Community
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when looking at my data from exporting to excel in the status bar all i can see is the IP address no numbers as it it describes on the qualtrics webpage. I don't see any numbers as it describes below, i just see the IP addresses.


The value in the Status column indicates the type of response collected. There are six main possible statuses:

0: A normal response

1: A preview response

2: A test response

4: An imported response

8: A possible spam response

9: A possible spam response submitted through the preview link

12: A possible spam response that was imported

16: A Qualtrics Offline App response

17: Previews submitted through the Qualtrics Offline App. This feature is deprecated in latest versions of the app
Did you follow the directions on this page: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/data-and-analysis/data/download-data/export-data-overview/#ExportingResponses?

If so, you should have a column where the contents of the first row is "status". That will contain one of the numbers you listed.
Hi Tom thank you for that. I see where i went wrong i choose the wrong value hats why ot had the IP address, i have run the test again with numeric values and it showing the 0 values in each column. thanks for your help.
If you want to change your Ip address then you must Access Router Settings and change it from there. You can also hide your IP address with the help of VPN services if you do not want to share with others.

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