Why am I seeing a broken image in my survey preview? | XM Community
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Hi all,

Having a bit of trouble with Research Core...

When I preview my survey, a question that's of type = graphic does not display, and the image shows as broken. I can see the image when I'm editing the survey.

I did this:

1. In Research Core, open survey in edit mode

2. Add question type = Text/Graphic

3. Choose Type = Graphic

4. Click Choose a Graphic

5. Upload a jpg (900x168 px)

6. Select the newly uploaded jpg. (The graphic displays properly in survey edit mode.)

7. Click Preview

Expected result

The survey previews and the graphic is displayed

Actual result

The survey previews, but the graphic does not display. There's a "broken image" icon and the image file name instead of the actual image.

In order to test permissions on the graphic itself, I grabbed the direct link to the file and opened it in an Incognito window. I am able to view the image.

Any ideas on what's up?
Hi @Renee! We're sorry that we're hopping in late here, but we believe this is a question our Support Team would be best able to handle. Feel free to reach out to our Support Team (if you haven't already) so they can work with you on this inquiry!
Thanks, Emily. I don't remember if I actually got this figured out, so I can't report back on a solution for others. The image worked for the live survey and I may have just worked around it. If it happens again, I'll contact support first and report back here with a solution.

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