Why are all my email tasks failing? | XM Community
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I've set up a simple email task to send an email on each submission following these instructions here: https://qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/actions-module/email-task/. I've tested it several times now, and each time it says "Failed" in the Reporting tab. Is there anyway to get more information about why the tasks are failing? I've also set up a similar email trigger, and that one doesn't work either.
The most likely culprit is that the email address isn't being populated in the right format, but without seeing the programming, no one can answer this.

Can you provide a .qsf of your survey (tools > export)? I will upload and look at it if you do.

I know I had a similar issue with it failing, but that was only with uploaded responses and not actual finished responses.
Can you make sure whatever you have entered in FROM is correct.
Can you try sending to a different email address, like a personal one for testing. Sometimes our work security folks are a bit tight in what emails come in and scrub these.
Hi @arburton ,

Couple of things you could try:

-Check the time of distribution(when : immediately / 1 hour later ).

-Hope the domain that you are using to send emails is not blacklisted in the receivers end.

-Pipe in the right "Send to " address with proper Email format.

Let me know if this helps.
Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions! I spoke to a customer service representative who verified that both my trigger and my action were set up properly. It turns out that although my organization supports sending emails, it wasn't enabled for my specific account. Hope this helps someone else with this issue!

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