Why are my survey responses for pick/group/rank not appearing in my exported raw data files? | XM Community
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I am using the pick/group/rank question type to ask participants to categorize job titles into 4 different field types. Participants are asked to categorize 10 job titles at a time. The question is then repeat 10 times so that each participant is asked to categorize 100 jobs. For each question, 8 of the 10 job titles shown are randomized from a list of 700 job titles. However, when I go to export the data, none of the categorization info appears. I also have a demographic section and none of this information exports either. What could I potentially be doing wrong here?
Have you analyzed and publish the survey after adding these questions.
Thanks for your reply! It turns out my data was too large so just needed to use the Legacy Exporter.
Download data in legacy format have less field compared to tablular data or use SPSS download.

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