Why does generating test responses ignore cutom validation on a constant sum question? | XM Community
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Hi Q Community, I hope someone can help.

I have two variables in a constant sum question: full-time and part-time in which I ask for the number of employees in a business. I've set custom validation on each variable so that the response must be greater than or equal to zero.

When I generate test responses, I get a message "Warning: custom validation on QID195 was not applied for Test survey".

Validation of subsequent questions depends on responses to this question, so I want to force survey takers to answer it, and custom validation is the only way I can see to do that on constant sum questions (I can't use "must total" because I don't have a value for this).

What am I missing?

Hello @TCA

It is default feature of Generate Test Responses. Follow this page for more info
Unfortunately, custom validation has always been an issue with generate test responses. The good news for you is you can just temporarily turn it off while you generate responses, then turn it back on. Generate test responses will populate the constant sum fields with numbers. If you get any responses with 0's, you can just throw them out.
Thanks @Shashi , that explains it. @TomG , I'll do as you suggest. Thanks both
I have a related question, possibly I should start a new thread? I'm not sure.

For this validation, I'd like to force a response between 0 and a number given in a previous question. I can't see a way to use embedded data (i.e. response to previous question) to define the top end of the range.

Is this possible? Possibly I could use a regex, but I'm not familiar with how to write those.

Thanks again for your help
> @TCA said:

> For this validation, I'd like to force a response between 0 and a number given in a previous question. I can't see a way to use embedded data (i.e. response to previous question) to define the top end of the range.

Pipe the answer to the previous question into the right side of the validation condition. Something like:

Current question answer Less than or equal ${q://pipe of previous question goes here}
of course!

Thanks - I didn't think of that because it wasn't on the drop down menu. But it's pretty obvious - thank you.

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