Why is an incomplete list of embedded data displaying in dashboard source? | XM Community
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Why is an incomplete list of embedded data displaying in dashboard source?

  • 12 November 2018
  • 7 replies

Hi, I hope someone can help.

When I try to map embedded data into my dashboard source, only some of my embedded data shows on the drop down list tht appears when I click "not mapped", but most do not (about 56 of 300 display, the rest don't).

It seems I can add the missing data manually using the "add embedded data" option at the bottom of the list, but that is tedious for so many embedded data fields.

Is there a way to make all embedded data variables available in the list displayed on clicking "not mapped"?

to clarify, the "show all" option in screen grab above takes me to the top of the incomplete list , it doesn't display more data.
It happens when we click on show all and don't map anything it takes to the top. Save your data setting and login again to dashboard , now when you click show all it will show all fields.
hi @bansalpeeyush29 thanks for the suggestion.

Unfortunately I have the same result: I saved my settings, completed exited the project, then went back in and tried to map the fields.

The list of embedded data fields is still only displays the partial list. "Show all" simply takes me to the top of the list again and doesn't add any new embedded data to the bottom of the list.

I've refreshed my account too, but no difference. What am I missing?
Are you able to see these variables in widgets.

Try creating simple chart and see if your variables are there.

You are not missing anything, if problem still exist you can contact support.
HI @bansalpeeyush29

I'm able to add the variables manually by clicking "Add other embedded data". I type in the embedded data variable name as it is in the survey flow, and I'm then able to build widgets. So it's mapping and pulling through ok, but I have to map each variable manually because it's not appearing in the mapping list. I'll contact support. Thanks for trying.

If anyone else reading this has any suggestions, I'd still welcome comments - thanks,
Just to check one thing are these embedded variables created after creation of dashboard or before.

Also you can try creating new dashboard to check if all variables appearing.

As this can happen if the dashboard is created before creating embedded variables you have to add manually.
That's a good point. I'm fairly certain I created the dashboard after creating the embedded data.

To be sure, I created a new vocalise project, new dashboard and tried to map it in. Same problem.

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