Will JavaScript remain enabled/working once transferring survey ownership to a free account? | XM Community

Will JavaScript remain enabled/working once transferring survey ownership to a free account?

  • 30 January 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi All,
Let's say I have a plan that allows me to integrate JavaScript / CSS / HTML to surveys. Once transferring a survey's ownership to a user with a free account, I expect neither (s)he, nor us as collaborators will be able to edit JS and no such feature will pop up when clicking on the gray gear. However, would that also mean that the feature would be entirely disabled, so the functionality will disappear even for our survey takers? (i.e. my question essentially is not adding, or editing JS, custom code etc. once the ownership is transferred to a free user, but rather whether existing one will remain intact & will be displayed properly for respondents.)
Thanks a lot in advance! Cheers.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

I don't have first-hand experience with this scenario, but I would guess that if it was possible to share the survey with the free account user so you still have access to it (though I'm not even sure if Qualtrics allows that), rather than completely transfer ownership, the Javascript would remain intact. However, this is probably another question that Qualtrics Support would be be positioned to answer.

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