Workaround to sending personal links | XM Community
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I have encountered an insanely obnoxious bug that is making so personal links don't export.


I have uploaded my list, no problems. But every time I go to distribute the survey and export the links, no links are in the spreadsheet! Qualtrics support filed a bug report, but it doesn't help me right now. I've remade the contact list, the survey project, tried every combination of new stuff possible. I have no idea what is causing this/ My stakeholders wanted this out two days ago and I am at a loss!

How do I get this out to my customers? Has anyone experienced this, and has a workaround? Is there a way to leverage that unique Contact Id and appended it to the anonymous link to associate the panelist data?
This sounds horrible! I'm so sorry.

If it were me, I would try using an appended URL to map to your directory. Contact ID would make me nervous since you can't verify how it's actually named in the directory, so I'd probably start trying with email or I might even make up a new key to connect them.

Good luck, my sympathies are with you!
Oh, sorry to hear that. We had a similar issue, when the personal data view was switched off in our brand. Took a couple of calls to support to figure that out. It wasn't similar to your screenshot, it was just saying that the link is hidden due to the privacy settings or something like that.

I hope the issue will be resolved for you.

Is there an option on the table to send the emails directly from Qualtrics platform?
Thanks, both! I ended up appending the ContactID like @JenCX suggested. I didn't try to map it back to the directory; it will have to be a VLookup to combine once it's time for analysis.

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