Working with a 3rd party sample provider and need to capture their ID | XM Community
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Hoping someone can help me with what needs to be done to accomplish this - I’m assuming anyone working with a 3rd party sample provider has encountered this but my search hasn’t yielded any helpful results.

Basically need to give my sample provider a link that they use to send out to sample. I then need to capture the RID when the panelists come into the survey and then need to capture the RID for sending back via redirect info on whether they termed (and where) or completed the survey.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi @Alannwhite ,

You have to send the anonymous link to your sample provider and have to create some embedded variables in survey flow like Id, panelid which your panelist will use to fill there unique information.

You have to create there variable as embedded variable in survey flow and than just append the piped value of this variable to you anonymous link like : anonymouslink?RID=pipe text of rid.

See below page for detailed information:
@Alannwhite - This thread may also help.
I do this all the time. You simply send the 3rd party an anonymous link. Then add the fields as embedded data. !.

The 3rd party sample company may also require you to edit the survey end, terminate and incomplete links. This is so the respondents gets redirected to the correct survey end message.
Thank you all for the help, I believe I've set it up successfully now!

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