AA Segments | XM Community
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Is there a way to program into the intercept rules AA segments? I don't see an option for that under the drop down menu. We would like to include only certain display traffic channels (Last touch channels, i.e. social, SEM, SEO). Thanks for any help!
Hi @Mistey

Please can you provide more detail, may be a specific example. I am using site intercept and will try to explore if possible. Thanks!
Hi @Subu

Thanks for responding. We are wanting to solve for a couple of things:

1) I work in the education field and we want the interest to deploy/pop only to the prospective students who visit our site.

2) We would like the intercept to pop to those visitors that come through our last touch channels, i.e. social media paid - we receive which channels these are from our adobe analytics team.

We have adobe analytics segments for these but I am not sure how to program them into the logic for the intercept. For example, we have the AA segment: “Prospect V1”

Also, do you know for the intercept embedded data, when you input adobe analytics then their is an option for channel on the drop down menu, do you know what "channel" refers too?

Thanks for any help! I really appreciate it!

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