Activate an intercept on website from an newsletter link | XM Community
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Hello Qummunity

As mentioned in my question I've been asked if it is possible to redirect people to our website whom have clicked on the unsubscribe link within a newsletter. Once there they are given a thankyou for unsubscribing message but also we would like a survey to appear asking why they decided to unsubscribe. Setting up the survey on that page is straightforward but what I would like to know is how can I track which newsletter they came from so we can capture some metrics on unsubscribes. Would I need to be looking at query strings or site referrals?

Regards in advance
I would put a query string onto the URL of each newsletter if you want to track at an individual basis.

If you have a naming convention for your newsletters, that would help you to easily identify which email.
Pass the info along on the unsubscribe link in the email on the query string. Then use site intercept to capture that parameter:

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