Can you schedule a survey to close? | XM Community
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We have a lot of surveys for event registration. I was wanting to know if there was a way to schedule the Qualtrics survey at a specific date and time. Or is the only way to close a survey to go into the projects and close it that way.

Hi ALM2019

You can set an expiration date in survey options :

Thank you! This will take one less task off of my plate.

I'm wondering if there is a difference between a "closed" survey and an "expired" survey. I really can't see any difference., so I just found out that this is not quite the same thing. Survey Expiration is not the same as survey closure in Qualtrics. So not a viable solution/answer to those of us looking for an automatic survey closure process, there is a difference I just found out. Setting the expiration here does not close the survey out. Only way I could see to close a survey would manually. Which is a burdensome step for us as we have to constantly close out surveys manually in order for the API to run efficiently.

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