Have one Intercept launch another | XM Community
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We are about to launch a new version of our website and I'd like to set up a "tour" of the new home page highlighting the new features and navigational components. My idea would be to launch a popover with a "Next" and "Close" button. If the user selects Close the creative goes away not to be seen again. However, if the user click Next the next item we'd like to highlight will be displayed using a different creative on a different area of the screen.

Does this sound possible? Any suggestions are welcomed!

Thank you
Hi @Radam! If you have not yet already, I'd recommend taking a look at this support page about manually running your Intercept code using JavaScript. Our Support Team will not be able to assist with any of the custom code this setup requires, but they will be able to go into further detail about what this page outlines!

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