How can I change the definitions of the questionanary so that people can answer it on the phone? | XM Community
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I created a questionnary and I aldready have answers. The problem is that when people open the link on the mobile it appears out of format so they cannot answer it. The only way to answer it is in the computer. How can I change this? Thank you!
@aribeiro - You'll need to provide a lot more detail if you want someone to help you. Is a specific question the problem? If so, what type of question is it? Do you have images of it on desktop and mobile? A preview link?
Hey Thank you for answer! No, it´s not a specific question.

When people open my link to answer the questionary in the phone the questions (all of them) don´t appear.

Here is the link:

If you open the link on the computer it´s fine you can answer the questions , but if you open the link on the phone everything appears out of format.

I´ll post here a picture of what I´m saying:


Somehow, on mobile the color of your QuestionText is set to white. So, you have white text on on a white background and can't see it.

In preview mode:


Highlight the mobile question by clicking on it:


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