How to add footnote or a question | XM Community
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Hi all, I am preparing a survey with multiple choice questions. I want to add explanation of the terminology that I used in that question in a footnote. How can I do that? I want it to appear at the bottom of question.

Thank you
You can add with in question text after question text finishes in small fonts. Or you can add as a mouse over text on that words you want to define.

Also in look an feel you can add footer.
When you add footer it appear on each page to hide on other pages where not require follow below post
You can add with in question text after question text finishes in small fonts. --> I tried this one, but it seems too much, because my footnote is quite a lot.

When you add footer it appear on each page to hide on other pages where not require follow below post --> No, I don't want it to be like this.. because I will have many footnote in each question.

Or you can add as a mouse over text on that words you want to define. --> How can I do this?
Hover over will be best solution on this case, read below to how to implement. When you bring mouse over that word it will show definition of that word.
If you really want to add below question other solution is like

Add your question after that add discriptive text question without giving page break doing so your question will appear up and description below
Thank you.

I tried this one as well:

"Add your question after that add discriptive text question without giving page break doing so your question will appear up and description below"

But there is still a line between my question and my footnote which I don't like it.

I will try hover over features.

Thank you very much anyway.
Hi Sorry,

I tried the link that you gave. It does not work for me. I have a lot of text in the choice. I attached the screenshot here. Do you know if we can do something like a little symbol at the (*) and then we can look at the description there?


Thank you
You have to edit you option in html view and then add Hover over text for each word you want to show definition.
> @Sherly said:

> Thank you.


> I tried this one as well:

> "Add your question after that add discriptive text question without giving page break doing so your question will appear up and description below"


> But there is still a line between my question and my footnote which I don't like it.

> I will try hover over features.

> Thank you very much anyway.


You can add a footnote to a question with this line of JavaScript:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" div.QuestionBody").after('<div style="font-size:smaller;font-style:italic;margin:0px 20px">This is a footnote.</div>');


Hi Tom,

Thank you for your information.

Where should I put this function? I put below my question and it did not work. Thank you
Hi Tom,

I managed to put into Javascript, but there is nothing happen. Sorry, I am very new with Javascript function
Oh I got it now.. Thank you

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