How to pass gender and age along with the survey result. | XM Community
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The survey is implemented using site intercepts as a popup survey. We would like to pass the surveyors gender and age as embedded data in a must login page. I would like to know what has to done on the websites end or qualtrics to achieve this.
Are the people taking the survey in a Qualtrics Contact list? If so, you can add an Authenticator to your Survey Flow to login, then add the gender and age fields as embedded data under the Authenticator.
@TomG no we are not using any contact list to conduct surveys. The survey is deployed using site intercepts on the website, with 50% display sample rate.
Do you have some sort of other database or plug in on your website that has that information?

You need to either be able to identify these people via your CRM, or if they sign in on your site, or have some sort of database that matches them to their sessions. Or just ask them on the survey itself. Unless that data already exists somewhere in your suite of analytics capabilities, there is nothing Qualtrics can do to grab it for you.

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