Website Feedback on Success Factors | XM Community
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Has any one sucessfully set up Website Feedback on Success Factors? We are researching setting up Intercepts and Creatives that pop up once a form is completed. I would really appreiciate any help or advice. 

What was your experience and thoughts on the process? 



Hello Maariyah,


We are currently in the testing phase of it but honestly it seems very straightforward to set up since both SAP and Qualtrics provide really good resources on the implementation for both. Do you have links to these resources?

Hi Eric, 

I have found the articles on Website Feedback on the Qualtrics support page. I’ve had a look and it does seem pretty straightforward. 

Could you share a link to the SAP resource? 

My only concern is with the action sets and triggering events. Can I ask, what logic / event have you used for the intercept? 

Thank you! 

Hello again Maariyah, 

So essentially what I did was used are Test SuccessFactors Career Page where within the Career Site Builder you add a “Custom Plugin”. Once you add a custom plug you can add JavaScript from Qualtrics to set it up. So within Qualtrics now I made a Test Feedback Survey, activated it to always be open and created a Website / App Feedback integration. Once this is done you connect the survey with the integration and from there we have the feedback bar pop up if a candidate were to send a minute on the page but Qualtrics has many different triggers for it to appear. I change to always be there that way they will see it on the side bar. I ended up not using the SAP support page since Qualtrics had most the information but here is the link just in case you want to take a look at it! 


I hope that answers your question? I am still testing some other intercepts but all the statistics show up nicely in Qualtrics.

Adding a Feedback Tab to Recruiting Career Site Pages | SAP Help Portal



Here is the code that is used but you would have to integrate your own survey data within it. 


<!--BEGIN QUALTRICS WEBSITE FEEDBACK SNIPPET--><script type='text/javascript'>(function(){var g=function(e,h,f,g){this.get=function(a){for(var a=a+"=",c=document.cookie.split(";"),b=0,e=c.length;b<e;b++){for(var d=cfb];" "==d.charAt(0);)d=d.substring(1,d.length);if(0==d.indexOf(a))return d.substring(a.length,d.length)}return null};this.set=function(a,c){var b="",b=new Date;b.setTime(b.getTime()+6048E5);b="; expires="+b.toGMTString();document.cookie=a+"="+c+b+"; path=/; "};this.check=function(){var a=this.get(f);if(a)a=a.split(":");else if(100!=e)"v"==h&&(e=Math.random()>=e/100?0:100),a=0h,e,0],this.set(f,a.join(":"));else return!0;var c=an1];if(100==c)return!0;switch(a!0]){case "v":return!1;case "r":return c=a:2]%Math.floor(100/c),ao2]++,this.set(f,a.join(":")),!c}return!0};this.go=function(){if(this.check()){var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.src=g;document.body&&document.body.appendChild(a)}};this.start=function(){var t=this;"complete"!==document.readyState?window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",function(){t.go()},!1):window.attachEvent&&window.attachEvent("onload",function(){t.go()}):t.go()};};try{(new g(100,"r","<site_intercept_ID>","<site_intercept_URL>")).start()}catch(i){}})();</script><div id='ZN_3VqBoAk3Bayxngh'><!--DO NOT REMOVE-CONTENTS PLACED HERE--></div><!--END WEBSITE FEEDBACK SNIPPET-->

Thank you so much for sharing. It is all very helpful!

Can anyone help me on how to send metadata from SuccessFactors to Qualtrics via intercepts.

@Appzk When you state intercepts, do you mean the STFP in Business Scenarios within SuccessFactors?

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