Why does the mobile friendly function stop working when I switch the language to Chinese? | XM Community
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Hi guys, I am designing a questionnaire originally written in English and everything worked fine but my participants only read Chinese so I translate it into Chinese. My questionnaire is mainly composed of matrix questions with six point likert scales and I really need the the mobile friendly function to work as all my participants will be using their cellphone to fill out the questionnaire. However, once the language is switched to Chinese, the mobile friendly function stopped working and I even created another questionnaire with the default language as Chinese and it still doesn't work. Anyone knows how to fix this? Many thanks!!
My understanding of how the mobile friendly function works is that it is dependent on the width of the column. The Chinese characters end up creating a narrower width than the English letters do. If you want to keep the Mobile Friendly Function you can try adding ` ` at the beginning and end of your Chinese statement.
Thank you for your help! Unfortunately after I added   both at the beginning and the end, it still doesn't work. Such a pity that I have to move to another platform...but thanks anyway!

If what @gwrightiv said is correct, try making the width of your column label wider. Just click on the divider to the right of the labels and drag it right. That will leave less room for the columns which cause it to switch to accordion mode.
This works!! Thanks so much!!!

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