difficulty selecting specific questions using the 'extract response from survey' task | XM Community
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difficulty selecting specific questions using the 'extract response from survey' task

  • 12 June 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi All,


I’m trying to use this task to setup a scheduled export (which will be sent to a SFTP server).  I need to use this task ('extract response from survey) as I believe it’s the only one that will allow to use a preset response filter.  My problem is that when I go to select the questions, they show up as the question text and not the Question number or label.  This makes it near impossible to ensure you select the correct questions as some of the question text we use is generic (eg. we have a number of questions following a CSAT multiple choice question which states ‘please explain why?’).


What is the solution to this?  Is there a way to show the questions (or even QID numbers in this list) so that I can be sure I select the correct questions to export?  Relying on the order is probably not advisable given the window is so small.


In my example below the two questions cannot be identified without making sure the question text is unique which realistically we can’t do in the survey plus it would look a little weird if we started to put a question number in the actual question text.


I have reached out to Qualtrics support on this in belief that it is a bug and it should (like the other export tasks) display the question number and / or question label but they have come back saying it’s working as designed!  Why would you do that??!! Especially as when you do export the file, it exports the question label and QID as normal!!


Anyway, they are not being at all helpful and I’m running out of time so I would be grateful for any help to find a solution to this.  The key thing being is that I need to send the extract to a SFTP site and I need to use a pre-saved filter that I’ve created in the D&A part of the survey.


Thanks in advance


Rod Pestell


ok, I suddenly had a thought - can I just select all fields and then use the Basic Transform Task to then select the fields more easily.  This (in the end) worked but what I didn’t realise was that the extract task will only work on responses more than an hour old and will only work once.  Once you’ve extracted them they won’t extract again.  You have to use new responses but then wait an hour!


My work around was to delete the extract responses task and recreate it but you run the risk of losing the setup in the basic transform task.  What a pa lava!!


If anyone has any other solutions to this, please do reply! :)




Rod Pestell  

Update: so there is something wrong with the task as it lock up when trying to read the pre-saved filters in the survey D&A.  so I’m stuck once again.  I also was not looking forward to selecting the fields names in the basic transformation task as it’s going to load up all my fields.  It will load up 1200 fields and I only need about 260.  The deletion process of all the other fields is going to take ages.


Is there another solution?




Rod Pestell

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