Identifying a respondant | XM Community
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Hello everyone,
I have an issue and was not able to find a solution online.
I have a survey with a lot of embedded data for each email address. That is why we should distribute it by email and not with a random link.
But unfortunatelly we hit a very low response rate because our alumni are not using the email address they gave us 5 years ago.
As we speak with them through Facebook groups or Whatsapp Conv, I was asking myself if there is a way to send a generic link on a Facebook group for example and make the students "identifying" themselves at the first question. For example, first question would be what is your birth date and name, and if these 2 informations are in our database they can access the survey, we know who they are so we can link the embedded data to them.
Do you have any idea ?
Thanks !

BenjaminL Yes, you can do this using "Authentication" within the survey flow. This will allow you to select one or more embedded data fields within your directory which Qualtrics will use to identify your respondents and link them with their directory data. Essentially, the person will use these fields to log in to the survey.
The difficulty with this is they will need to enter their information exactly as it appears in the directory. Birthday is relatively simple as long as you tell them the format (ie mm/dd/yyyy versus mm/dd/yy) but with their name it could get tricky because Becky is not the same as Rebecca.
Once you figure out your fields, you can use the "XM Directory Task" in workflows to update the person's directory contact info with the updated information they provide.

Great ! Thank you so much !

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