Initiating a Workflow based on a Survey Sent | XM Community
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We are building a surveying journey for a coaching program. We want to survey our participants at 3/9/12 months of their 1yr journey. They can start whenever (no universal start date) so we'd initially add them to the first distribution list when they start. I do not require an answer from them on our survey (though we wish to have as many answers as possible!) to move along with the journey. So I want to be able to move them to the 9-month distribution list once they've been sent the 3-month survey even if they don't reply to that survey. The 3/9/12 months surveys cover different aspect of the journey so we've built 3 surveys along with 3 different lists.
The workflow options are very limiting, what other options do we have? It is unfortunately unmanageable to do it by hand as our participants have all unique flows. Any tips will help!

I think you can do this by using workflows. You would need to:

  • Create 3 different lists for each group of 3-9-12, initially populating only the first one. These will be your invitees.

  • Then create the first survey (month 3), and place a workflow in it to be triggered after an event with the task to update the directory, where you send details from people submitting the first survey to the month 9 list. So you populate month 9 list with those who completed the first survey. These will now be your invitees for the second survey.

  • Still in the survey for month 3, you would need to build a mail trigger (under Options>Post-Survey) to set up an invitation email to be sent after completion, where you can place a link to the second survey (month 9). So people who completes the first survey receives a link to go to the second one. (You could actually do this automatically too, with no invitation. Just setting up a link to the second survey within the 'end of the survey' settings of the first survey. So one leads to another)

  • And then the same for month 12

That way, you will end up having responses stored in the correspondent survey under Data and Analysis, and three lists of invitees for each one in the Directory (3-9-12)
I hope it helps!

What is your CRM tool? Any possibility you could add a workflow push from there?
We're using an integration with Salesforce, and then you could set triggers based on "time since first survey sent" and that would shoot off automatically if you define the trigger time line properly.
Just an idea :)
All the best

Thanks Jamie! It is was I initially tried but unfortunately, I don't want to send it from the "survey completion" trigger as not all participants may answer and I still want them to move to the 9-month list. I didn't find a "survey sent" trigger.
Mattias, we have Salesforce but unfortunately it is not yet connected to Qualtrics, we're awaiting a project internally but this is a good idea, I'll note it for our IT team. Thank you both! out to your Qualtrics Account manager and ask to be connected to someone using it. If I'm chosen I can tell you all about it. :)
It's good to have a good Salesforce sysAdmin in the loop as there are some prerequisites that need to be in order on the Salesforce side for it to work smoothly.

Good luck with everything!

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