Evolve is the brand new Qualtrics product ideation program, powered by you, our customers. Through Evolve you can submit product ideas, (suggested enhancements to existing Qualtrics products and functionality), and track their status in the Qualtrics product development process.
Prior to Evolve, product ideas had to be created in the XM Community Ideation category, reviewed by Community moderators, upvoted by a critical mass of community members, and then input manually into a data platform to be shared with Qualtrics product managers.
Now, customers can share product feature suggestions directly with our product managers, right here in the XM Community. Through Evolve, we have expedited the ideation process, while increasing customer visibility into an idea or feature’s status.
Product “Ideas” are suggested enhancements to existing Qualtrics products and functionality.
An “Upvote” is a digital representation of your desire for a product idea to be implemented. In Evolve, upvotes are represented by the red heart icon in the “Add Your Vote” column of the row of an idea.
You can upvote an idea once the idea has been created in Evolve. The more upvotes an idea receives, the more weight and priority the idea is given when reviewed by Qualtrics product managers.
Product ideas that were previously submitted through the former Ideation category were reviewed and triaged by our internal teams. The most in-demand ideas were included in Evolve and can be found through the Coda search functionality.
We are not able to guarantee the implementation of all ideas. Qualtrics owns all rights, titles, and interests in regard to all suggestions, ideas, enhancements, requests, feedback, and recommendations provided by you to Qualtrics.
We cannot guarantee that all ideas will be reviewed, as the product managers are working diligently to plan all Qualtrics product roadmaps, and ideation volume varies. Qualtrics is under no commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality.
Once an idea is created, it will be reviewed by a product team member who will determine if the idea is a duplicate. The idea will not be visible in Coda for 72+ hours until it has been validated as a non-duplicate.
Due to varying ideation volume, we cannot guarantee that every idea will be validated as a non-duplicate within 72+ hours of creation. We appreciate your patience!
If the idea is not a duplicate, a product manager will assign a status describing its current stage & development progress.
Idea statuses:
- Open | This idea is under review
- Moving Forward | We are working on this idea
- Revisit in Future | This idea will be revisited in 9-12 months or the next planning cycle, depending on ideation volume
- Not Moving Forward | This idea will not be developed
- Delivered | We have built and published your idea
- Capability Exists | This is an existing product feature
Best practices
- Ensure what you’ve submitted is not a duplicate of other requests by first searching for your idea
- Explain your rationale and need for the request - this helps the product managers review
- Wait 72+ hours before your idea shows in the Evolve table – our team must first validate that the idea is not a duplicate or existing idea
Searching for a product idea using the XM Community search functionality is no longer viable. If you would like to search for an existing product idea, you must do so within the Evolve category where it says “Search Ideas.”
Creating a product idea directly in the XM Community is no longer viable. If you would like to create a product idea, you must do so within Evolve category by clicking the Green button that says “Submit New Idea Here.”