Setting rules for ongoing user sampling in Qualtrics | XM Community
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Hi there,
I am hoping to design a survey strategy to measure overall user satisfaction of my product (a website). I am planning to design 3 surveys in Qualtrics to measure NPS of my users and I plan to distribute these surveys within the website.
My goal is to sample 1-2 users for this survey per day. I have two questions relating to this:

  • Is there a way to set a rule in Qualtrics so that after 2 users have completed a certain survey, no other individuals will be sampled that day? (e.g., after 2 people complete the NPS survey on a given day, it will stop asking others to complete it?)

  • Is there a way to set a rule that an individual will not be sampled more than once in a month? (e.g., If a user completes the NPS survey, they will not be sampled for any of the three surveys for 6 months)

Many thanks in advance for your help!

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