What is the time zone default in TA? Is there a way to confirm it? | XM Community
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When I schedule my distributions, I see a "current time" listed as my current time zone time (EST). I then schedule my distributions based on that time. However, I've found that the surveys actually distribute in CST. So for example, if I want a survey to launch at 3pm EST I need to schedule it for 2pm.

Is there a way to confirm which time zone the emails will distribute? I always wonder if it's a bug and I'm uncertain when actually setting up the distribution.
> @KatC said:

> When I schedule my distributions, I see a "current time" listed as my current time zone time (EST). I then schedule my distributions based on that time. However, I've found that the surveys actually distribute in CST. So for example, if I want a survey to launch at 3pm EST I need to schedule it for 2pm.


> Is there a way to confirm which time zone the emails will distribute? I always wonder if it's a bug and I'm uncertain when actually setting up the distribution.

The time zone for your company's Qualtrics account might have been set to CST? I'd like to know if this is a bug as well.
If you go to your account settings what timezone is listed?


My timezone was listed as (GMT -11 Midway Island, Samoa), so I've made that change. But, I think the problem will still persist because the time difference when delivering emails is only an hour - whereas the timezone default would have caused about a 6 hour difference.
@KatC - I've been looking into this one and it seems like this may be an issue on our end. It looks like a couple of other clients may have reported this as well. Could you send this one over to our TA support team so they can get it documented & get a fix prioritized?

Send an email or find the correct phone # here - https://www.qualtrics.com/support-center/?Product=target-audience
@Tyler Will do, thanks!

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