Workflow: export or map contact info that measures engagement, like "Last response" | XM Community
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In a workflow, we wish to export or map several contact data points from the Directory, specifically “Last invite received” and "Last response". We have found the Main Contact Data fields to choose from, but those 2 fields are not in the list and we can’t seem to find any way to access “Last invite received” and "Last response" within a Workflow.

We have looked at all three types of workflows, but nowhere does it show these fields. Any suggestions?

@cspring firstbook The built-in embedded data is described here. I do not think that there is such contact metadata available. I am not sure if some API (e.g. get contact) provides the Information you are looking for, but if so you could execute such request in your workflow based on the ContactID.

Hi ​​​@cspring firstbook

As I know, those Contact Statistic fields are only acessible via the Directory or the Stat object of Get Directory Contact API

Hope this helps

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