EOS Response Summary PDF Formatting | XM Community
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I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to fix the formatting of the EOS Response Summary PDF. It just looks a little funky with page breaks and text overlapping. Here is an example of what I'm seeing when I download the PDF on the response summary page:
image.pngIf it is possible with custom code, I would love an idea of how to go about implementing it in my survey.

Hi Jacqueline. Did you happen to find an answer to this issue? I have the exact same question. Thanks!

Hi JacquelineS & LouRisc - something definitely doesn't look right here! If you have not yet already, we'd recommend reaching out to our wonderful Support team, as they would be best equipped to troubleshoot this for you!

I am facing some formatting issues with the EOS pdf summary as well as with the EOS response summary that is displayed to the respondents.
The problem is that the "undisplayed questions" are now also included in the pdf, in the background... Is there a general solution for this or also something to reach out to the support team?

Hi cardi003 - yes, please follow up with our Support team on this one!

Dear LaurenK , thanks for your reply.
The support team answered that this issue can currently only be fixed by Custom Code with which they cannot help.
Will try to search a bit more in the community posts to see if I can find the answer.

Hi LaurenK ,

We are having the same issue and have been given the same response from your Support team, a like to a W3School for CSS coding.
The formatting and page breaks are making the Response Summary PDF nearly unreadable and the issue we are running into with custom CSS is that the only option to enter CSS is in the Look & Feel widget, which is not survey specific. Adding manual page breaks throughout the survey to attempt to break it up also has no effect on the PDF Response Summary. Hoping someone out there has a solution for this :)

Hi TDykens,
If your issue is the same one that JacquelineS began this thread with, I was able to find a fix with the help of Qualtrics support. A simple line of JavaScript fixed the formatting of the PDF Response Summary perfectly for me. Here is what I did (copied directly from what the Qualtrics Product Specialist sent me):
1. Open up the survey that is experiencing this issue
2. Select the gear icon on the left side of the first question in your survey.
3. Select the option that says "Add JavaScript"
4. Highlight the orange text for the middle option " /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/"
5. Paste this code in that location:
window.experimental.PDFPageBreaks = true;
The window should look like the attached image below.
Click Save and your PDF Response Summary should now page break properly on its own without you having to worry about adding any page breaks in your survey for that purpose.
I hope that fixes your problems as it fixed mine. Unfortunately, I don't know how to fix cardi003's issue of undisplayed questions appearing in the PDF. If a solution is found for that, I'd love to find out what it is.

Thanks LouRisc ! This makes the pdf much more readable. Good to know that the page breaks can be changed in JS rather than CSS as recommended. I'll keep trying to solve the other outstanding issue and if I have any success will post here.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/34153#Comment_34153Thanks LouRisc for this solution. However, we currently do not have JavaScript enabled for Qualtrics in our organisation. Are you (or anybody else 😉 ) aware of a solution for improving the PDF formatting of the response summary without using JS?
I tried inserting pagebreaks in the HTML of the end-of-survey message with no effect on the PDF.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/36007#Comment_36007You are welcome, kof . Unfortunately, I am not aware of a PDF fix that doesn't involve JavaScript. Just in case, I should mention that I didn't have access to JS either, but I asked for permission by the system admins and they granted it to me. Not sure if that is an option for you or not. Best of luck!

LouRisc kof Hopefully with the upcoming update and refactor we will see improvements to this functionality.

Hi LouRisc do you happen to have a solution for hiding a particular question/ block from survey response summary PDF? a custom JS code would be wonderful.

This code seems to have stopped working all of the sudden (within the last 6 months or so), and I’m wondering if anyone else is having similar issues or may know why? (This was working as expected in February and I haven’t made any changes to the survey since then, so I’m puzzled as to what the issue might be.)

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