XM Excellence Q&A ft. Qualtrics Product Leaders | XM Community
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XM Excellence Q&A ft. Qualtrics Product Leaders

  • 31 May 2024
  • 8 replies
XM Excellence Q&A ft. Qualtrics Product Leaders


This event is now available on-demand! You can find the links to each session below.


We’ve got a stellar lineup of speakers AND topics prepared for our XM Excellence event! Join our product leaders to learn best practices for utilizing Qualtrics features and how to make the most of your license!

Recordings now available:

XM for Strategy & Research
XM for Customer Experience
XM for Employee Experience
Passcode: Qualtrics1!



  • If you have any questions for our product leaders about topics covered during the event, please comment below. Our Qualtrics experts will actively answer questions on this post.
  • If you have a product support question, please contact support.
  • Comment telling us what you learned from the event!

8 replies

Badge +4

I registered but am unable to attend. How can I notify someone to free up the spot?


Hi, love the AI powered video summary- I have some existing video from recent research sessions- can I bring them into Qualtrics to access that functionality?


Hi there! We wanted to extend a big thanks to those of you who were able to join Juliana, Carrie, and myself for our session. Below you’ll find links to supplemental materials should you wish to dig deeper on any of the topics we discussed together:). Please, don’t be shy about reaching out should you have any questions.  Cheers!


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@Gerardr I’m glad you like the Automated Video Summaries capability...it’s a great value-add for this product!

And yes, we offer “BYOV” (Bring Your Own Video) as a core functionality of the platform. You can upload/import your own videos.


Hi, love the AI powered video summary- I have some existing video from recent research sessions- can I bring them into Qualtrics to access that functionality?

@Gerardr I’m glad you like the Automated Video Summaries capability...it’s a great value-add for this product!

And yes, we offer “BYOV” (Bring Your Own Video) as a core functionality of the platform. You can upload/import your own videos.

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

I registered but am unable to attend. How can I notify someone to free up the spot?

Hi @mklein,


Thanks for letting us know! Sorry we missed you, but you now can access the event sessions on-demand by clicking the links in this post.

Userlevel 6
Badge +25

Thanks a lot for sharing the recording links, very insightful. 

Looking forward to more such sessions and resources.



Userlevel 5
Badge +29

Agree, thanks so much for sharing the recordings!  It’s great to check out the other sessions to hear/see what is going on for the others.  Thanks for all you do!

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