I would love to have a dog in the future! There's multiple breeds I'm considering: Husky, American Eskimo, Chow Chow and Australian Shepherd. For now, here's a cute picture I have saved in my camera roll.

This is Thermalscope the goldfish. (This is what happens when your son names a fish after a video game
) This is his old tank that he grew to over 25cm in, and he has since been moved to a larger tank with a couple of little new friends. He has developed the annoying skill of gulping water at the top corner of the tank when he is hungry, creating a 'popping' splash noise that can be heard from the other end of the house!
This was Rémy, our Bichoodle (Bichon Frisé x Miniature Poodle), who we sadly lost earlier this year, with his favourite toy soft and squeaky toy, "Ted". Rémy was an amazing little guy - cunning as a fox, as cheeky as could be and a total sweetheart who just adored being with his family.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48198#Comment_48198So cute!!! 🤩
https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48224#Comment_48224Wow! That's one massive gold fish!! 
CamM I'm so sorry to hear that sweet Rémy passed! It really sounds like he had a wonderful life with you and Ted 
I am planning to have beagle as a pet this year!!! For now, I have a pic shared by my kennel owner -

lizb311 Thank you so much! The way Romeo and Ranger are cuddling is unreal and made my day 
https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48226#Comment_48226CamM I'm so sorry for your loss
Pets are family and their losses are felt deeply. When the time is right, I am sure another dog will step in and bring joy to your life again! Dogs always have a way of finding their way to the right people at the right time 
I have a few too many pets to share all their pictures, but still wanted to share a few!
Bibi is our rescue dog--we think she's a poodle mix. She loves the water!
Here's a group of our Helicopter Parakeets--from left to right: Sage, Sunflower, Basil, and Gardenia.
Finally, to represent the chickens, this is Mistletoe (my frizzled Serama).
Not pictured: Maggie the cat, 4 parakeets, 8 kakarikis, 2 finches, 2 red rumps, 6 pigeons, 3 doves, and 15ish chickens...
This is my cat Elmo.
We adopted him as kitten from a shelter almost 5 years ago now. Still an adventuring little devil!

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48348#Comment_48348Elmo is a daredevil! The picture of him on top of the heater (I think?) is super cute! My friend recently got a cat and they're so fun to be around 
I don't have cats anymore (had to rehome them--they're very happy and spoiled) -- but would love to get a dog, anywhere from a chihuahua to a husky!
This is our beloved departed Yorkie, we miss her a lot!