🐾 Community Pets | Badge of the Month | August 2022 | XM Community

🐾 Community Pets | Badge of the Month | August 2022

🐾  Community Pets | Badge of the Month | August 2022
Badge +48


How to Participate

During the first week of each month, we will post a new question, topic, or activity for you to connect with the community and earn a badge. All community members who contribute a thoughtful comment to this month’s discussion, between August 1 and August 31, will receive this badge worth 40 points.


Badge of the Month | August 2022

Task: Comment a picture of your pet! Alternatively, share a photo of a pet you would love to have.
Got any furry friends? Maybe some with scales? Tell us about them! We're sure the XM Community is home to an assortment of pets, all over the world, and we want to get to know them! Whatever your pet is, we know they mean a lot to you! All pets are welcome here, in the XM Community!


64 replies

Badge +48

🐾 Meet Onyx 🐾
This is my dog Onyx. He's a teacup Pomsky (Pomeranian and Husky mix) and turned 1 in May! He is very energetic and knows that he is cute.

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I would love to have a dog in the future! There's multiple breeds I'm considering: Husky, American Eskimo, Chow Chow and Australian Shepherd. For now, here's a cute picture I have saved in my camera roll.

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image.pngThis is Thermalscope the goldfish. (This is what happens when your son names a fish after a video game 😃 ) This is his old tank that he grew to over 25cm in, and he has since been moved to a larger tank with a couple of little new friends. He has developed the annoying skill of gulping water at the top corner of the tank when he is hungry, creating a 'popping' splash noise that can be heard from the other end of the house!

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This was Rémy, our Bichoodle (Bichon Frisé x Miniature Poodle), who we sadly lost earlier this year, with his favourite toy soft and squeaky toy, "Ted". Rémy was an amazing little guy - cunning as a fox, as cheeky as could be and a total sweetheart who just adored being with his family.
https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48198#Comment_48198So cute!!! 🤩
https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48224#Comment_48224Wow! That's one massive gold fish!! 😲

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48224#Comment_48224I had no idea that goldfish can get that large! That is incredible 🐟

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CamM I'm so sorry to hear that sweet Rémy passed! It really sounds like he had a wonderful life with you and Ted 💙

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Say hi to Nuka 🐶 which means younger sibling in Inuktitut. She's half Labrador and half Malinois and 100% sweet 🧡 After growing up with dogs I've not had one for 20 years till now and what a rediscovery it's been 😀

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These are my boys! Romeo is the white & grey cat, and Ranger is the black cat. They're about 2 months apart in age and not technically brothers, but they were at the same rescue when we adopted them as kittens. Their hobbies include chewing cardboard, wreaking havoc, and cuddling with each other.
Amara - Onyx is so cute!! 😭😍

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I am planning to have beagle as a pet this year!!! For now, I have a pic shared by my kennel owner -

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HammyElephant.JPGThis is Hammy and his special elephant buddy 🐘❤️ Hammy's elephant accompanied him in his crate when we moved to Singapore, and has traveled the world with him. Hammy's 14 now and his traveling years are behind him 🙂

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48264#Comment_48264Beagles are great dogs, Chhavi_Ch!

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48237#Comment_48237Nuka is gorgeous, SteveBelgraver ❤️ I hope she gets lots of treats 🍪

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lizb311 Thank you so much! The way Romeo and Ranger are cuddling is unreal and made my day 😍

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48226#Comment_48226CamM I'm so sorry for your loss 💔 Pets are family and their losses are felt deeply. When the time is right, I am sure another dog will step in and bring joy to your life again! Dogs always have a way of finding their way to the right people at the right time 🙂

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48250#Comment_48250How cute lizb311! I wish my dog would allow me to have a cat 😂

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48237#Comment_48237Nuka looks like such a sweetie 🧡

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48235#Comment_48235https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48287#Comment_48287Thanks AmaraW and Michael_Cooksey 🙏 We'll certainly get another pup at some point in the not too distant future. The household isn't quite the same without a furry friend hanging around 😉

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I have a few too many pets to share all their pictures, but still wanted to share a few!
Bibi.jpgBibi is our rescue dog--we think she's a poodle mix. She loves the water!
parakeets.jpgHere's a group of our Helicopter Parakeets--from left to right: Sage, Sunflower, Basil, and Gardenia.
mistletoe.jpgFinally, to represent the chickens, this is Mistletoe (my frizzled Serama).
Not pictured: Maggie the cat, 4 parakeets, 8 kakarikis, 2 finches, 2 red rumps, 6 pigeons, 3 doves, and 15ish chickens...

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This is my cat Elmo.
We adopted him as kitten from a shelter almost 5 years ago now. Still an adventuring little devil!

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48347#Comment_48347What a big family 🐓🐕🐤🕊️🐈
I love all of their names, and I can't believe Sage, Sunflower, Basil, and Gardenia all lined up for you to take a picture!

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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48348#Comment_48348Elmo is a daredevil! The picture of him on top of the heater (I think?) is super cute! My friend recently got a cat and they're so fun to be around 😊

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This is Xena, the Kelpie x Australian Cattle Dog, visiting our office. Do not let the attentive expression fool you, she is a lazybones that will do anything for a belly rub. She was rehomed after being let go from her farming job for not performing well enough!
IMG_20220413_085632640_HDR.jpgIMG_20220422_131201042.jpgMicrosoftTeams-image (2).pngMicrosoftTeams-image (3).png
Alongside her we have Rolley, the Border Collie x Kelpie. He is a hyperactive ball-fetching machine, who always wants to be the centre of attention. I have to be very strategic with my virtual meeting times otherwise he will want to say hello to everybody!
MicrosoftTeams-image (4).pngMicrosoftTeams-image (5).png295298907_441773844492245_1735947066852833688_n.jpgTogether they make an inseparable duo that brings out the best in one another, and they're even better company!

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I don't have cats anymore (had to rehome them--they're very happy and spoiled) -- but would love to get a dog, anywhere from a chihuahua to a husky!

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This is our beloved departed Yorkie, we miss her a lot!


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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/48398#Comment_48398So sorry to hear about your dog's passing, vgayraud 💔

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