Auto-advance block with several pages to next block after some time | XM Community

Auto-advance block with several pages to next block after some time

  • 10 April 2019
  • 2 replies

In my study, I want participants to answer 4 questions (each on a separate page in one block) in 2 minutes. If 2 minutes have passed then I auto-advance them to the next block. Participants do three rounds of this with 4 questions per round (so, one block per round and each block has 4 pages for the questions).

I use the javascript code from the following post to do this, where I created embedded data for TimeLeft before each round block and then for each page in the block add javascript code:

However, I am encountering some problems.
1) The auto-advance after 2 mins does not stop at the end to block, but keeps skipping the first few pages in the next block. I tried having different names for embedded data (TimeLeft1, TimeLeft 2 etc. ) for each block but it is still happening.
2) When auto-advance happens after 2 minutes, the participant can see the pages being skipped. Is there a way to avoid this?

2 replies, may I ask how do you solve this auto-advance problem when people already proceed to the next block? Thanks!!

Userlevel 4
Badge +3
Hi, @FMA,

What if you just set one Embedded Data field -- for two minutes in the future from whenever the block starts, and then have the auto-advance on each component question be triggered by comparing the current time to the "in two minutes" time? You might need to code a more active listener than the built-in Auto-Advance offers.

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