Carry Forward Display Logic | XM Community
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I have several questions that ask a user to enter text, and that text is carried forward to another question. I don't want that second question to be displayed with the participant doesn't enter anything, since there wont be anything to carry forward but I can't find how to add a display logic to NOT display if nothing is entered. Except for making the question mandatory to answer - any way to do this?

AKorsunska That should be a pretty easy fix: in the display logic, use the choice option to display the second question only if the text answer is not empty. (This is an option from the dropdown menu in the logic feature.) That way, if they enter text, they will see the next question, but if they don't, it will move on to the next question.
I hope that's what you're looking for, but if not, please clarify!
Adam That option isn't available when I go into the display logic feature. Question one has 10 form fields (for Drugs 1-10), which carry forward to question 2. When I go into question 2 display logic, the only options are related to each individual form field, not whether anything is entered or not. See screenshot.

Screen Shot 2021-08-27 at 4.34.15 PM.png

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