Click on multiple choice option should take me to next defined block | XM Community

Click on multiple choice option should take me to next defined block

  • 8 December 2023
  • 15 replies

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  • 6 replies

I have created multiple choice question in EX which includes 50 choices. Format is list with multiple answer choice. 

Created a block for each choice i.e 50 blocks for 50 choices.

I would like to move to the block as soon as I click on that particular choice.

Currently, I have to scroll down and click on next which is not a good user experience.

Please anyone help me on this.





Best answer by vgayraud 8 December 2023, 12:36

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15 replies

Userlevel 6
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You can use autoadvance :

Userlevel 7
Badge +33

Did you try this motion feature under look and feel option.



But make sure, Autoadvance of Pages will enable the back button of the survey. If you want to hide back button then you will need to use CSS or if you want to apply auto advance at first question only. Then you can use JS to auto click next button after selecting any radio option.

Userlevel 1
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@vgayraud : Auto advance feature is not working on multiple choice option.


Userlevel 1
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@ArunDubey : I am not much aware of JS, if you could please share the js for auto click next button.

I wanted this just for the first question.

Userlevel 6
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I don’t understand your request then, how can you know when to auto-advance if you allow multiple answers?

Code to auto-advance in a multiple answers question would be the following, but it’ll advance as soon as you click one answer, and therefore you cannot have multiple answers.


var that = this;
this.questionclick = function(event,element){
if (element.type == 'checkbox') {



Userlevel 1
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@vgayraud : Thank you. This works for me.

As soon as i select the choice, it is taking me to block of questions and before submitting it will take back to the list of choices by using TOC.


​​​If I keep radio button, it will just store the data for one choice. By using multi-answer, it will save multiple choice responses.



Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Did you try this motion feature under look and feel option.



But make sure, Autoadvance of Pages will enable the back button of the survey. If you want to hide back button then you will need to use CSS or if you want to apply auto advance at first question only. Then you can use JS to auto click next button after selecting any radio option.

Hello @ArunDubey 

I am currently working on a survey where I’ve activated the autoadvance on pages whiwh enables a back button please can you help me disable this back button I’m not a JavaScript expert unfortunately.


Thanks in adavance !

Userlevel 7
Badge +33

Did you try this motion feature under look and feel option.



But make sure, Autoadvance of Pages will enable the back button of the survey. If you want to hide back button then you will need to use CSS or if you want to apply auto advance at first question only. Then you can use JS to auto click next button after selecting any radio option.

Hello @ArunDubey 

I am currently working on a survey where I’ve activated the autoadvance on pages whiwh enables a back button please can you help me disable this back button I’m not a JavaScript expert unfortunately.


Thanks in adavance !


Click on Look & Feel » General » Header (edit)


Then click on source under header popup. Then paste below code under it and test it.





Userlevel 3
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Hello @ArunDubey 

Thanks for your answer.

I think I found a solution I’ve added the JavaScript below to the CSS custom part in “Style” and it worked 

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {

Do you also think that it’s another way to do it ? 

Userlevel 7
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Hello @ArunDubey 

Thanks for your answer.

I think I found a solution I’ve added the JavaScript below to the CSS custom part in “Style” and it worked 

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {

Do you also think that it’s another way to do it ? 

it can also work, you should try and test it as well. All the best!!

Userlevel 3
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Hello @ArunDubey 

I have a question maybe you can help :)

I already have this JavaScript below in my “header” :

<script>Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {  if(jQuery("#Q_lang").val()=="IT") {    jQuery("#Logo img").attr("src", "");  }});

And I would like to add the one that you just sent me above (to disable the previous button) do you know how can I do this ? 

Userlevel 7
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try this.



Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
if(jQuery("#Q_lang").val()=="IT") {
jQuery("#Logo img").attr("src", "");


Userlevel 3
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I’ve tried it but I still have de previous button, do you know why ? 

Userlevel 7
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It was working on my end. Not sure, might be ID is different. Anyways, do one thing @Tata C , rollback your previous code and try CSS instead of JS.

Click on Look & Feel » General » Custom CSS (edit)

paste below code:


display: none;


Userlevel 3
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Hello @ArunDubey 

I tried this and it works many thanks. 

Last question ahah I have stars rating questions in my survey and because of my background image I feel like we don’t see the stars really well, do you know by any chance how I can highlighted them or put square around them or have bigger stars ? 



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