How can I calculate age based on the year selected? I need javascript to do this. | XM Community
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Here is the question for your reference. All I need to do is calculate the Age of the Respondent based on the current year.

Hi there, I found a thread that I think might be helpful to you.
In that, TomG provides a solution on how to do what you are describing.
In your survey Header over in the Look & Feel, input the below code:

Then, within the Text Entry question of your survey that collects the Birthdate, add the below JS at the bottom, after the OnUnload:
  var age = moment().diff(moment(jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").val()), 'years');
  Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('age', age);
Just make sure that the Birthdate is in a format that moment.js can parse.

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