How do I change the background color of an email? | XM Community
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I would like the background color of my email invite to be this color: #173963. Is there a way to code that?

Hello and good day from a sunny Sweden!

The easiest would be to just add the below HTML in the email:

You need to click the below icon and paste the text in there.
All the best

Thank you for your help, MattiasM! This did work when drafting the email in Qualtrics, but when I sent a preview email the background color did not appear in my gmail account. So I researched that and found the following code in the link below that worked:

....! Glad to see you were able to get it fixed!

@MattiasM Thanks for your help! Would you mind sharing the code again? For some reason the code is not showing up. 

@MattiasM Thanks for your help! Would you mind sharing the code again? For some reason the code is not showing up. 

Good morning from a windy Sweden!

I cant remember what I wrote unfortunately, but in general you just need to specify the background in the body, so the setup would be something like: <body bgcolor="hex_number or rgb_number">.


All the best


MattiasM original code:

<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #173963;

ChelseaIC original code, includes a table and changes the background color of the table so will display in gmail:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="650" valign="top" align="center" bgcolor="#173963">


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