How do I hide the first question after an inline question | XM Community
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I want to avoid the first question to be shown after this has been answered via an inline question.

- One approach i read was to use an auto-forward timer, but that conflicts with one of the fraud-detection methods of Qualtrics.

- Another option I tried is to use conditional showing of the question, but that also did not work with this first question

Is there a way to fully hide this first question (which is already answered via inline question), so only the second question is shown on that page?
Assuming it is a multiple choice question, try:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

var q = jQuery("#"+this.questionId);

if(q.find("input:checked").length > 0) q.hide();


Hi TomG - thanks! I tested the script but for reason it seems not to work for the first survey question, with inline question in the e-mail. When trying the functionality on second question (changing the values), it works well. But for some reason my first question remains visible.
> @Djurre said:

> Hi TomG - thanks! I tested the script but for reason it seems not to work for the first survey question, with inline question in the e-mail. When trying the functionality on second question (changing the values), it works well. But for some reason my first question remains visible.


You added the JS to the first question, correct? Try setting page transition to None and/or addOnload to addOnReady.
Hi Tom, it works 🙂 thank you!

Hi TomG!! Qubie here (Qualtrics newbie lol). I am making my first attempt. I currently have the inline question working but it still populates/shows when the survey opens. It does show the selected response but would love to find a way to move right to Q2. Would you be able to walk me through how to do that? Q2 on the same page as Q1 or the next page?

TomG Page break after Q1
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {
var q = jQuery("#"+this.questionId);
if(q.find("input:checked").length > 0) this.clickNextButton();

TomG admitting before asking, this is a stupid question but...where do i put the code? In the body of the invite? JavaScript to Q1.

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