How to chnage the border color of a tex entry box bellow choice in multiple choice question? | XM Community
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I'd like to change the borer of text-entry box from blue to some else. The box is attached to one of options using the Qulatrics "Allow Text Entry" function. This option is pre-selected in the beginning. Ideally I'd like to have orange when the box is focused and light-gray otherwise.

I've tried these two CSS codes:


{border-color: red!important;}


{border-color: red!important;}


{border-color: #f79013!important;}

The first two do nothing and the second one works only if another option is selected. You can see it in following images:

1) The box is NOT focused:



2) The box is focused:



Note: I use the Minimal blue template.

Thank you for any ideas!
Hello @fleb,

Try the below CSS:


border: 2px solid orange!important;



border: 2px solid #d2d2d6!important;

Thank you for such a fast response, @Shashi!

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