Loop and Merge ignores display logic for the first loop | XM Community
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I have a loop and merge block, in which the first question displays some text fields (based on the loop and merge table).
Then the second question is a yes/no question, and based on the answer to this question I display either the third or the fourth questions.
When the survey runs, for some reason, in the first loop, after answering the yes/no question, none of the succeeding questions is presented. When I click next and the block is displayed again (for loops no. 2 and more), the display logic works fine (i.e., either q3 or q4 are displayed, based on the answer to q2).
I know that display logic and force response may not go together very well (and I do have force responses in my questions) but I do not understand why the behavior in the first loop is different from the other ones. And whether there's any way to bypass this issue?
Thanks in advance!

hey yinbar I am facing the exact same issue, were you able to figure out a work around for this?

Hi samarth12
I don't remember what I did, but I think that it was related to the fact that it was the first page of the survey. If I'm not mistaken, once there was a different page before that, it was OK.
I hope you'll be ablt to solve this!

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