Pin/freeze instructions to top of page as participants scroll through questions. | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
I am posting the solution to a question that I had but (finally) figured out the solution to. This is for those wanting to pin/freeze an image to the top of the screen (with a white background) so that it remains in place while the participant scrolls through survey questions.
Shoutout to ahmedA for responding in related forums and for providing the step-by-step instructions for how to do with this text:
There's only a couple steps to pin your image to the top of the screen.

  1. Within your question block in Qualtrics that you want to add the image to, right-click on any question and click on the option "Add JavaScript"

  2. Delete all of the code in the box and replace it with the code below:

    base_element = document.querySelector(".SkinInner")
    base_element.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '
    new_element = document.querySelector("#sticky_vid")
    // Replace LOCATION OF IMAGE FILE with the link to your image. Do not delete the double quotes
 // You can also edit the image dimensions under "width: XXXpx" and height: XXXpx"
    new_element.innerHTML = '
    // This is important, otherwise, the element you add will be at the back = 1; = 10;
That's basically it. Hopefully this helps other fellow non-coders!

Hi Jennifer,
It doesn't solve my current Qualtrics problem, but it might very well solve a future problem. Thanks for posting this !

This isn’t working for me. I keep getting an error. Can you please clarify what “Replace LOCATION OF IMAGE FILE with the link to your image. Do not delete the double quotes” is in reference to?

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