Piping a response from a Pick, Group, Rank question | XM Community
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Hi there

I much prefer the ranking option in Pick, Group, Rank’ as it is more likely (IMO) to encourage respondents to give a faithful ranking of choices than the other ranking options available in Qualtrics.  

The challenge is the inability to pipe the response (usually the choice ranked first) into a follow up question such as ‘Why did you choose uItem ranked first] as your most preferred flavour?

I have looked around the help files and the community (and also discussed with Qualtrics support) but I can’t find a way to identify which item was ranked first.

Can anyone please help me?

Thanks in advance.

@Arthur_Fletcher - You can use JavaScript to get the top ranked item and save it to an embedded data field that you can then pipe.

If you are interested, I have a general purpose JS function, captureRanks, that does this for any type of ranking question. It captures all ranks, not just highest or lowest.  It also captures group ranks for PGR questions.

@Arthur_Fletcher  the following post may be of assistance How to carryforward the first ranked choice in a group in a Pick, Group and Rank question. | XM Community (qualtrics.com)

Hi TomG and ScottG

Thanks for your great answers and @TomG  I would love to see your general purpose JS function!




Here is a captureRanks demo with a PGR question:


Hi @TomG 

Thanks for the demo, which looks great!  What’s the JS that’s creating this?




Sorry, I meant to link to info on the captureRanks function previously, but forgot the link. Contact me by private message if interested.

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