Skip after consecutive wrong answers | XM Community

Skip after consecutive wrong answers

  • 9 March 2021
  • 5 replies

I've read many articles about skip logic, branch logic, and display logic but can't find anything that fits my needs.

I would like a block to end when the respondent gets 4 consecutive questions wrong.

How do I make this happen?


Best answer by ElieD 9 March 2021, 21:56

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Userlevel 6
Badge +37

Hi moz

Just set an embedded data at the beginning of your survey to keep a counter of wrong responses.

After each response, you can increment or reset this counter.
Before each response, ad a branch logic if your counter has reach your limit.

Userlevel 6
Badge +37

For this to work would each of my questions have to be in their own block?
I'm not quite sure where to insert the operation that increments the counter, is it in the survey flow or javascript within each question?

Trying my best to implement this but it's not working. I'm a newbie at Qualtrics.
The other complicating factor is that each question is a text entry so I can't use the qualtrics scoring feature to count wrong answers. I have 3 questions in each block - hoping to keep it that way because they are grouped by a theme.

My attempted solution that doesn't work:
(just to test it I set it to end survey after 2 consecutive incorrect)
Survey flow:
image.pngJS for each question:
image.pngRegardless of consecutive incorrect responses the survey advances to the next block. Any help would be appreciated!

Userlevel 6
Badge +37


Saying your questions are text entry, so how could it be wrong answer ?
Do youe expect a precise value ?

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